CWR delivers new strategic clarity for a nonprofit urban farm
We often work with organizations that have already accomplished amazing things, but now need to ask, "Now what?"
Veggielution is one such example. The organization had successfully created one of the largest urban farms in the Bay Area, turning a previoius abandoned six acre lot in downtown San Jose into a thriving center of agriculture and community. But success in carving out its new existence led to the question: "Now that we exist, what are we supposed to accomplish next?"
CWR specializes in helping agencies dig deep to the very roots of mission. We identified for Veggielution a variety of potential targets, such as chaging local food production systems to educating youth to outreach to the local neighborhood. We led them to ask fundamental questions: "Which audience are you seeking to impact? What social problem are you trying to solve? What would a successful solution look like?"
Our project involved interviewing dozens of key stakeholders and experts in urban agriculture. Most importantly, we worked extensively with the new Executive Director Cayce Hill and the Veggielution board to arrive at clarity for themselves. Having guided them to decisive self-understanding, we produced a strategic plan that now guides Cayce to focus her team on a set of key priorities.
Special note: We would like to thank the Silicon Valley Community Foundation for funding this strategic planning project.